Student Debt and a Visit From Japan

Welcome back to another week of Politics Explained! This week, we’ll be going over Biden wiping out more student debt, a visit from the Japanese Prime Minister, and other quick recaps. Also, check out our most recent interview with House Representative David Trone in the “Interviews” tab of our website. Let’s get started!

This Friday (4/12), President Biden canceled $7.4 billion worth of student loan debt. This, along with other smaller amounts of debt that have been canceled, is part of a plan by the White House to gain support from younger voters who face challenges including student debt. This also comes after the Supreme Court struck down a $400 billion plan to forgive student debt last year. Although it may not be $400 billion, the $7.4 billion still was able to help around 277,000 people. In total, the Biden administration has wiped out $153 billion in student debt, helping around 4.3 million Americans. 

Next, this past Wednesday (4/10) the Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida came to visit and attended the fifth state dinner* that the Biden’s have held. Other notable people on the guest list included Jeff Bezos, the Clintons, and Tim Cook. The main purpose of the visit from the Japanese Prime Minister was to discuss how to counter China after their aggressive moves in the Indo-Pacific region. Both Kishida and Biden have agreed to tighten military and economic ties. Additionally, President Biden announced that NASA would be taking a Japanese astronaut to the moon, a move that represents the strong alliance that the U.S. and Japan have held and plan to continue to hold. 

Other quick recaps:

  • House Speaker Mike Johnson is deciding on whether or not to bring a vote for a $95 billion aid package for Israel and Ukraine to the House floor

    Jury selection for Trump’s trial will start on Monday (4/15)

*Definition of the Week (State Dinner): A formal dinner held in honor of a foreign head of state, such as a king, queen, president, or any head of government. It is hosted by the President of the United States and is usually held in the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, D.C.

Evan Kim

Founder of Politics Explained.


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