American Politics Explained

There are three co-equal branches of government in the United States: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The Executive Branch is run by the President, the Legislative Branch is divided between the House and Senate, and the Judicial Branch is headed by the Supreme Court. The Executive Branch is in charge of appointing leaders to government agencies and enforcing legislation that Congress has formulated and passed. The Legislative Branch has the authority to create and enforce laws and are able to declare war on other countries. Lastly, the Judicial Branch applies the laws of congress to real life situations.

Democrats (Dems):

  • Often Referred to as Liberal or Left-Leaning

  • Usually Associated With the Color Blue

  • They Think People With Higher Income Should be Taxed Higher

  • Stance of Current Debates:

    • Abortion: Pro-Choice

    • Gun Laws: Should Ban Guns

Republicans (GOP):

  • Often Referred to as Conservative or Right-Leaning

  • Usually Associated With the Color Red

  • They Think Everyone Should be Taxed the Same

  • Stance of Current Debates:

    • Abortion: Pro-Life

    • Gun Laws: Supports 2nd Amendment